
What is Storytelling?

According to the dictionary

The activity of telling or writing stories.

According to Wikipedia

Storytelling is the social and cultural activity of sharing stories, sometimes with improvisation, theatrics or embellishment. Every culture has its own stories or narratives, which are shared as a means of entertainment, education, cultural preservation or instilling moral values.

According to David JP Phillips

A narrative, story or tale is any account of a series of related events or experiences, whether nonfictional or fictional. Narratives can be presented through a sequence of written or spoken words, still or moving images, or any combination of these

An extended description
Now if you on top of the two first elements (object + motion) add a third element, namely PERSPECTIVE to the equation you get a more immersive story: “The bottle fell from the table and as it was about to hit the floor it thought to itself; this is the end”.

And finally if we add a fourth element EMOTION we get a more moving story: “The bottle fell from the table. As it was about to hit the floor it screamed and cried and thought to itself; this is the end.”

You can now add senses, more perspective and more emotion to create even more immersion in the story. Or why not add some dopamine (anticipation) which would make the story go:

Nobody thought it could happen, we all believed it would live forever but oh how wrong we were. When we from the noisy dining room saw the symbol of peace, the ancient dusty bottle plummeting toward the floor. The inevitable was about to happen. War! The bottle itself saw the dooming floor come closer and closer and it knew, not only would it die, but the world as we know it would too

Storytelling is the game
It's what we all do.
Gary Vaynerchuk
The Most powerful person in the world is the storyteller.
The storyteller sets the vision, values and agenda of an entire generation that is to come.
Steve Jobs
Marketing is
telling a story
about your value that resonates enough with people that they want to give you money.
Seth Godin
Storytelling is by far
the most underated skill in business.
Gary Vaynerchuk
9. Believe in your team
10. Learn Storytelling
Kobe Bryant
People do not buy goods and services
They buy relations, stories and magic
Seth Godin

What is Business Storytelling?


According to David JP Phillips

Storytelling is our most natural form of communication. You, me and every ancestor before us comprehend and see the world from stories. Not slides, not bullets, not data. From stories. Business storytelling then is simply harnessing that power of the brain to convey your company’s message! To sell and market your product by telling your favorite customer success stories or deliver visionary future-to-be stories which will overcome the customer’s problem.

Check out David JP Phillips TEDx-talk here to get a brilliant insight into the powers of Business Storytelling and the value it adds.

Factual vs Story

Below are examples of the difference between a factual description and a business story. The interesting thing here to note is that a Story is powerful enough on its own whilst the factual description is not. But the ultimate strength comes from combing them. First the Story and then the Factual description or the other way around.

A Factual Description

A True Story


When delivering a presentation, start with pausing until you get attention. Then use an attention grabber to increase focus which you also tie together with the end. During the presentation itself, do please use something like questions to maintain focus.

The CEO walked up on stage and paused until you could hear a pin drop. He points to the ceiling and says “do you see those balloons”, they’re filled with cash and if you get the questions I’ll be asking you right, we will end this talk of with a grand finale and popping them at the end.

A Factual Description

A True Story


A client asked; “Do you do anxiety relief training in your public speaking courses?”

Yes we do nervousness training in our public speaking step 1 course, as you can see here in the course curriculum you will have one session in the morning on the first day, followed by a similar session at the end of day 1. During day 2 we will to improv exercises and breathing exercises which will help you reduce your fear for presentations. And then at 3.15 in the afternoon of day 2 we will have an individual coaching session to tailor your exact need.

A client asked; “Do you do anxiety relief training in your public speaking courses?”

Yes we do, actually just about a year ago I was about to start a 2 day public speaking training when I saw one of the students crying, I of course go up to her to check what’s wrong and she says how she’s terrified of speaking in public and that she wants to leave. I calm her down and tell her not to worry, I’ll take care of her. And the 2 days go by and as she’s leaving she’s crying again, and again I ask her what’s wrong. And with a trembling voice she says “never ever could I even imagine that I within only 2 days could get rid of my greatest fear. It feels strange but I want to go out and try all these new skills” and she smiled. So yes we do, and the way we do it is…. (factual description)

A Factual Description

A True Story


A client asked; “Is there a difference between single paned and triple paned windows?”

Triple pane windows are exactly what they sound like – they’re a 3 pane window that consists of three total panes of glass, the preferred thickness is between 1,2mm and 1,6mm. You can also choose if you want to have either air or gas, like krypton gas filled in between panes, which both helps to keep windows stable. You can also have High Performance LOW-e coated glass for an even higher effect. All this while improving energy efficiency and noise reduction.

A client asked; “Is there a difference between single paned and triple paned windows?”

Imagine that this surface here is metal and this surface is wood, now imagine that they have been out in sub-zero degrees for hours and you place your left hand on the wooden surface and your right hand on the metal surface. How does your right hand feel after 1 minute? A numbing ache starts to spread through your fingers from the cold metal plate while your other hand feels practically nothing but warmth. That is the the main heat difference between what our triple paned windows feel like inside during winter compared to traditional single paned windows. Now imagine that this powerful effect is for outside noise as well.

Free Training

I will show you:

  • How I mastered the art of storytelling by using a unique scientific approach
  • How to overcome the major problem of your nervousness, which can ruin your storytelling
  • How I unlocked my storytelling superpowers and easily convert clients using 5 key skills
  • How to tell stories like a professional based on the equation of storytelling
  • How to understand your audience so you can magically influence through engaging delivery

The Power of Stories

1 of 6Psychologist Jerome Bruner’s research suggest that facts are 20 times more likely to be remembered if they’re part of a story.
Increased Value
2 of 6Rob Walker and Joshua Glenn increased an object value by 6258% by adding a Story. The study has been replicated several times.
Pre-frontal Cortex
3 of 6The pre frontal cortex simulates our understanding of the world through stories. It repeats the past and simulates the future to understand the now. Tapping into this simulation functionality is the most powerful means of communication.
4 of 6Uri Hassen of Princeton University used fMRI technology to discover that the brain patterns of the audience, became identical to the speakers and by so creating immersion which in to way or form can be compared to a PowerPoint slide.
Emotions (The Limbic System)
5 of 6Many psychological scientists now assume that emotions are the dominant driver for our most meaningful decisions. Fail to move a client or an employee emotionally and you fail to create the desired result. Storytelling is so powerful emotionally that you can handpick a story for the specific emotion you want to evoke.
6 of 6Neuroscientist Paul Zak has in studies shown that with the right elements in a story the neuropeptide Oxytocin is released in the listener. Improving their social awareness. Oxytocin can also lead to trust and bonding

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