
Our Story

In 2017 David JP Phillips delivered his TEDx talk ”The Magical Science of Storytelling” which today is the most viewed TEDx-talk in the world on how to do Storytelling. This led to global fame within the subject and David has since then travelled the world and delivered trainings and keynotes to major leaders and fortune 500 companies. In 2019 his social media accounts reached 5 million consistent views per month.

By 2020, his team had grown to 10 people. The story has just begun.

The story behind the logo


The hand is a tribute to the very first “story” ever documented. It consists of a large amount of hand prints of adults and children on a cave wall in Spain. Perhaps the cave painting was a celebration to their bond.

The fire symbolises the many moonlit nights through the ages where families, friends and strangers have sat around camp fires and told stories to entertain, stories to learn and stories to create bonds and culture.

The ”S” was chosen for the logotype because the Roman alphabet is seen as the template of the modern western alphabet and incredible stories were written with the language which to this day impact our culture.

The ”t” comes from the original Gutenberg alphabet. Gutenberg’s influence over modern storytelling was of course game changing as he paved way for modern printing.

The O, inspired by Ying & Yang and the ever so important balance of opposing forces in stories.

The “R” originates from the famous Viking runes of the Scandinavians where tales were told about the world and their religion which became the very fuel to their unimaginable explorations.

The Y, historically replaced the letter “thorn”. A letter which reminded us to celebrate the great Greek storyteller Aesop and his story about the “Lion and the Thorn”.

The “E” is a celebration of future Storytelling. How Virtual Reality and Augmented reality will change the very way fabric of how we perceive our reality through the added layers of storytelling.

The two ll’s, inspired by number two in roman numerals, a reminder that a story always gets its momentum from the two elements: the question, and the answer.

The “i” is inspired by the handwriting of J.R.R Tolkien. One of the greatest fictional authors of our time.

The “n” is a celebration to the masters of calligraphy where each letter is written with so much love and attention that they become a story in their own right.

The “g” is a celebration to William Shakespeare and is inspired by his handwriting. Mr Shakespeare’s original plots is of course an inspiration to many modern movie productions and books.

The legacy of storytelling

Storytelling is by some researches thought to have been used during the existence of the Homo Erectus 2 million years ago. Because if they weren’t able to describe narratives to each other like (i.e: if we do this, this happens, and then this happens and then we will be our of danger and not hungry) how could they have progressed as they did?

Not only is Storytelling the oldest form of communication it is also the most powerful way to learn new skills (up to 20 times more efficient). It is also the single most powerful way to market and sell products and services (showing increases of 6500% in value).

And not only that, but Storytelling governs your entire life. You constantly using stories to repeat the past or simulate the future to understand your reality. (If I do this, I will feel this). That also leads us to that stories are behind the majority of your decisions in your life. You will engage with people with the “right story” more then the “wrong story”. You will more likely move to a neighbourhood with a “good story” then a “bad story”. You are more likely to eat at a restaurant with a “good story” compared to a “bad story” and so on.

So considering the influence storytelling have over our lives and culture it is more then a skill. It is a legacy. And we are here to honour that by slowly but steadily building the biggest resource around about the beautiful subject of Storytelling.

Yours faithfully, Team of David JP Phillips

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