

The Magical Science of Storytelling

Storytelling box 1-7@2x

The Magical Science of storytelling

The famous TEDx-talk updated, extended and more in-depth! Guaranteed to create massive impact and inspiration in a large crowd.

Can be booked as a single keynote or as a business package.
Can be purchased as a pure digital self-learning course.

no one wants

You’ve proudly spent many hours building your PowerPoint only to see your audience drift away, yawn, and glance at their mobile phones. And to your absolute frustration, they seem to remember very little of your content. Not only is this painful for you but for your audience. Let’s change that.


What this keynote will
give you

Absolute and relentless motivation to start using Storytelling. You will from a psychological, biological, and neurological point of view know exactly WHY you should tell stories! And of course, you will get the very core tools needed to tell stories in everyday life, meetings, and presentations. There is a reason this talk is the most viewed TEDx talk on Storytelling in the world.


we all want

In your next presentation, not only do you have a PowerPoint prepared but you start it all off with a true story, a customer case. The audience’s eyes light up, you have their attention, they listen to your slides, you add one more story midway, they gasp. People applaud you, a couple of them give you a pat on the back with the complimentary comment “that was great!” AND as a bonus, they actually remember what you spoke about and your lust to present just shot through the roof.

The brain and Storytelling
We are hard-wired for stories
Why storytelling is beyond powerful
Our biology and stories
Dopamine, the core of all storytelling
Oxytocin, the core of all attachment in stories
Serotonin, the core of all success in stories
Endorphins, the core of social connection in stories
The Angels & Devils cocktail


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How do you sell the future, how do you make a client see something they can’t see and feel something they don’t feel? Through the primary way all humans see the world – Storytelling. A mind blowing keynote filled with practical tools which you can apply immediately in your role.

Can be booked as a single keynote or as a business package.

no one wants

How was the meeting? – “It was a waste of my time, I still don’t really know what they were selling and why it would be of value to me.


What this keynote will
give you

The simple process of communication is that the human brain takes any word and translates it into an image and then into an emotion. That emotion is the core driving force of all our decisions in life. Fail to systematically create it and you will fail to move the client. This keynote will give you the insights on the subject of “How To Hack a Brain”, how to translate a customer case into a real working sales story, and the insane power of micro-stories. Motivation will be sky high to use StorySelling!


we all want

How was the meeting? – “It was brilliant, short, and to the point. I know exactly how their product will complement our vision; the thing is they told me a story about another customer case they had which was exactly like ours; so inspirational!

The brain and its decisions
How to “hack” a brain
The trojan horse is the story
Convert a customer case to a story
The ABCDO’s of business storytelling
How to inject a story into any meeting
Storyindexing - the world most influential tool
Sales and/or marketing examples
Why we tell business stories
4 step structure
The power of metaphors

DataStorytelling (How to avoid Death By PowerPoint)

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We all use slides, but how do you make them come alive? Any and all kinds of data, charts, tables can we awakened with the help of storytelling, dopamine, spices and the best learnings from the famous TEDx-talk “How to avoid Death By PowerPoint”. A keynote with guaranteed massive impact!

Can be booked as a single keynote or as a business package.

no one wants

Hey darling, grab the popcorn, I’ve paid for two front row tickets to listen to 90 minutes of statistics and data on a Friday evening! Are you mad, I am not going to that!!!


What this keynote will
give you

Through the inspiration from the greats of statistical and data-presentation, the participants of this keynote will learn the key elements of making any data, and we mean, any data, interesting and engaging. No more boring sales updates, scientific presentations, and quarterly reports.


we all want

Yes, four tickets to this month’s progress report, please. And popcorn and a soda to that. You see, the likes of Hans Rosling, and Sir Ken Robinson among a handful of others presented data and statistics in such a way that people fought for tickets to their events. Data is not inherently bad.

Dopamine is core to data storytelling
The 4 pillars of successful data presentation
Animations and their unknown power
The two WHY’s that make the difference
Selected bits from the TEDx talk: “How to avoid Death by PowerPoint”.
Examples of successful data-storytellers
How to create a story from a simple number
Less is more but what is “less”?


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Based on David JP Phillips study of 5000 speakers and the resulting 110SKILLS this keynote will have you roaring of laughter. But most importantly, it will in 1 hour give you a summary and training in the most important of the 110SKILLS all humans can use to be brilliant at storytelling, public speaking and communication overall.

Can be booked as a single keynote or as a business package.

no one wants

I once attended a presentation, it was on the latest VR-tech. And boy had I been looking forward to it. As I sat there, the presenter moved in on stage and began speaking… with a slow, really slow, monotonous voice he told the exciting futuristic stories of virtual reality in such a way that it felt like a funeral. I left, empty.


What this keynote will
give you

David JP Phillips spent 7 years studying 5000 public speakers to distill the 110 most used and important skills in our communication. This keynote will make you cry with laughter, realize and experience your weakness and grow from your strengths. It will give you the very most important skills in order to deliver a story in an engaging way.


we all want

I once attended a presentation on moss. I know it sounds strange, and I thought so at the time as well. I wasn’t meant to be there as I have zero interest in moss. However, on stage enters a person which with such passion tells stories about moss to the extent that I still to this day not only cherish the sight of moss but share the stories about moss with equal passion.

The 110STEPS of excellence
10 most important skills
Voice, body language
The secret power of gestures
Why our face becomes nulled when presenting
How to control your nerves
How to choose the state you want to be in
Examples from good and great storytellers

Your Story

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Your Story

The most important story in the world is the story you tell yourself. As a presenter, public speaker, leader or sales person being able to super charge your own stories makes the entire difference.

Can be booked as a single keynote or as a business package.

no one wants

Mid presentation, your mind blanks. words seem to come to you in slow motion or not at all, your vocabulary is diminished. How could this happen? You were so well prepared. Afterward you leave the meeting in disgust over your own failure.


What this keynote will
give you

Which is the most important story? Your story! The story you tell yourself before going into the meeting, the story you tell yourself when you get nervous, the story you tell yourself when you fail. These are often referred to as “limiting beliefs” or “limiting stories”. This keynote will give you the most important skill in communication, storytelling, and life for that matter. How to, through neuroplasticity, rewire your brain to create your own internal success stories. This keynote can be delivered as a full three-day self-leadership program.


we all want

As you stood there backstage, you could hear the sound of five thousand people waiting for your entrance. You enter, you blow their minds, you forget a couple of things but as you leave to a standing ovation you tell yourself that, that’s okay – You’ll remember them next time. 1 year prior to this, when you hadn’t yet learned to control your internal stories, those few mistakes would have been louder in your head than the standing ovation from the audience.

The brain and your stories
Limiting beliefs
Limiting stories
6 tools to rewrite your beliefs and stories
Focus question
How to truly become a great storyteller


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Theory is one thing. Putting it into action another. The “Bootcamp” keynote can be combined with any of the other keynotes and will allow the group to practice and grow in their storytelling-skills.

Can be booked as a single keynote or as a business package.

no one wants

I’ve read this book on exercise three times but I still haven’t lost any weight.


What this keynote will
give you

Being naturally good at telling stories begins with thinking like a storyteller. Therefore in this workshop session, we will focus entirely on 2-2 storytelling exercises and most importantly on active feedback sessions to the participants. This workshop session can be combined with any keynote or keynote combination of ours.


we all want

You walk into a large conference room, and by your decision you choosen to become the center of attention by telling a story. Whilst doing do so time stops, absolute focus is on you. You’ve decide to tell a dopamine + endorphin story because you want to increase their willingness to open up to you, as that is what endorphins is known to do. Toward the end they roar of laughter and just as you planned, people open up to you and each other and the company conference is of to a magical start.

How to think like a storyteller
How to wire your brain like a storyteller
Pair and group exercises
Two powerful in prompto exercises
Live feedback to participants
Exercises to bring back to work

Keynote Testimonials

"Riveting - Everyone is talking about it. I could not stop watching!"
Eddie Hill
Director, IS Video & SDM
"Inspiring, intellectual, emotional...a masterclass in storytelling."
Trey Flynn
Director Wordwide Account Leader
"Simply amazing"
Michael Zink
Vice President
"This is, by far, the most valuable online course I've ever (been) signed up for and I've done MANY of them on Coursera, EdX, etc"
Stefan Schmager
Video & Brand Measurement Lead
"Wow! What an incredible last session you hosted yesterday. Our team was extremely moved by the Your Story segment and I so appreciate your flexibility to incorporate that topic during a time when our team needed it most."
Molly Campbell
Account Executive
"Your session is making the two day storytelling course that I'm on at the moment look extremely pedestrian and a poor time investment. Keep doing what you're doing, it's excellent."
Richard Young
Principal Sales Engineer
"It was such a pleasure to hear your storytelling talk today! It was really inspirational and I will for sure share links to your talks with colleagues of mine who couldn’t be there."
Gabriela Plucińska
Solutions engineer
"It was indeed one of the best training session that I've ever attended in my whole career. The wow effect is still running in my veins."
Machhour Jeryess
Supply Chain Strategy Lead
"My head is still spinning around all the concepts and tips about how to communicate better. The best money that I have invested in the last few years!"
Jose Raynal
Key Account Director
"What a wonderful experience. I learned so much from this great storytelling master class. David JP Phillips fantastic job! I highly recommend it to everyone!"
Andrey Andonov
Tell me a story productions
Film maker
"Loved your story at the Finnish Salesforce basecamp today. Totally agree and going boost up even more customer stories in sales."
Timo Aspelin
"Excellent session today - Thank you. Highly relatable and no-bullshit - the most valuable hour I’ve had at Oracle in 5 years!"
Simon Boundy
Senior Customer Success Manager
"The feedback from everyone has been phenomenal."
Ian Mullen
Transformation Director